Viewing Upgrade Groups

Viewing Upgrade Groups

In the Upgrade tab, Multi-Grid Manager lists the Grid Master group, the Default group, and other upgrade groups you have configured. You cannot modify or delete the Grid Master group. You can modify the Default group, but you cannot delete it. To view the members in a specific upgrade group, click the arrow next to the group name to expand the group. All groups are collapsed by default.
Before a distribution or upgrade starts, you can move Master Grid members from one group to another, reorder the members, or remove a member from an upgrade group. The member you remove automatically joins the Default group. (For information, see /wiki/spaces/mgmadminguide/pages/911185331.) You cannot add, delete, or reorder members in an upgrade group while a distribution or upgrade is in progress. You can skip a member in an upgrade group from a distribution only before the distribution starts, or after you pause it. For information, see /wiki/spaces/mgmadminguide/pages/911185331 /wiki/spaces/mgmadminguide/pages/911185331.
To view the upgrade groups in the Master Grid:

  1. From the Master Grid tab, select the Upgrade tab, and then click Toggle Group List View.
    Multi-Grid Manager displays the Multi-Grid-Master at the top of the list. All other upgrade groups are listed alphabetically after the Multi-Grid-Master. You can click the arrow next to a group to view members in the group.
  2. Multi-Grid Manager displays the following:
    • Member: The name of the member.
    • Group: The name of the upgrade group to which the member belongs.
    • Status: Displays the overall status of an upgrade group at the group level and individual status for each member when you expand the upgrade group. At the group level, this displays the most severe status among the members. For example, when there are three out of five members are offline, the overall status shows 3 of 5 members in red, which means offline.
    • IP Address: The IP address of the member.
    • Running Version: The software version that is currently running on the member.
    • Distribution Status: The distribution status of the group.
    • Timestamp: The date, time, and time zone when a distribution or upgrade is complete.

You can hide some of the default columns, but you cannot sort the information in this table. You can use filters and the Go to function to narrow down the list. With the autocomplete feature, you can just enter the first few characters of an object name in the Go to field and select the object from the possible matches. You can also create a quick filter to save frequently used filter criteria. For information, see /wiki/spaces/mgmadminguide/pages/911180172.

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