Identifying Members to Use

Identifying Members to Use

In order to serve DHCP and DNS, you must pick Grid members to be registered to Neutron. You should exclude network discovery members and reporting members since they cannot serve DHCP and DNS. For the members to serve DHCP and DNS, the licenses must be properly installed and services must be properly running.

In general in order to utilize Infoblox for DHCP, you will need to use an SDN solution that provides a DHCP relay function. The standard Neutron functions do not provide relay.

To identify a Grid member as available for use by OpenStack, you must set the EA Is Cloud Member to True. If you are running a Grid but the GM is not configured and licensed for DNS or DHCP, set Use Grid Master for DHCP EA on the GM object to False. This will exclude the GM from being selected to serve DHCP or DNS.


To avoid a request to restart DHCP service for updating Fixed IP address, seethe Configuring General IPv4 DHCP Properties section in the Infoblox NIOS Documentation.

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