Running Data Migration

Running Data Migration

Before installing networking-infoblox, you may have already created networks, subnets, and ports in OpenStack. If you wish to migrate those objects to the Infoblox Grid, you can run the sync_neutron_to_infoblox.py script under the networking_infoblox tools folder:

  1. Use the following command to enter the container:
    $ docker exec -it infoblox_ipam_agent /bin/bash

  2. Enter the following command to source the overcloudrc file:
    $ source overcloudrc

  3. Enter the path of the networking_infoblox python package:
    $ cd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/networking_infoblox/tools

  4. Run the sync neutron script once the overcloudrc file is sourced. Enter the following command to run the sync_neutron_to_infoblox python file:
    $ python sync_neutron_to_infoblox.py

  5. To exit the IPAM agent container, press Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Q in your keyboard.

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