help command
help command
Use the help
command to display a list of commands available in the administrative shell.
The following is the command syntax:
netmrivm193> help acl
Available Commands:
acl | exit | ls | register | set |
autoupdate | export | maintenance | remoteCopy | setup |
benchmark | failover | md5sum | removedsb | show |
cac | ftp | more | removemib | snmpwalk |
cat | grep | netstat | repair | ssh-key |
clear | halt | ping | reset | supportbundle |
configure | help | provisiondisk | restore | telnet |
connect | installdsb | quit | rm | tftpsync |
debug | installhelpfiles | reboot | route | top |
deregister | installmib | recalculate-spm | sandbox | topology |
diagnostic | license | refreshgroups | sapwalk | traceroute |