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set interface

The set interface command allows you to configure the speed and duplex settings of the network interfaces (MGMT, HA, LAN1, and LAN2) on single independent appliances only. You cannot configure the network interface settings of appliances after they join a Grid or become HA pairs.
You can use set interface mgmt to enable the MGMT port and configure its IP address, netmask, and gateway address. You can configure either IPv4 address, IPv6 address or both for the MGMT interface of the appliance. Once the MGMT port is enabled, you can use the command to configure the speed and duplex settings of the MGMT port. You can also use set interface mgmt off to disable the MGMT port.
Use the show interface command to view the interface settings.


set interface [lan1|ha|lan2] speed [auto|10M|100M|1000M] duplex {auto|half|full]
set interface mgmt [speed [auto|10M|100M|1000M] duplex {auto|half|full]]
set interface mgmt off

Specifies the LAN1 interface.
Specifies the LAN2 interface on the Infoblox-250-A, -550-A, -1050-A, -1550-A, -1552-A, and -2000-A appliances.
Specifies the HA interface.
10M |100M | 1000M
Specifies the speed of the incoming line rate in Mbps, or allows the appliance to automatically match the line speed.
Specifies the duplex speed:
  • Automatically adjusts the speed
  • Sets it at half speed
  • Set it at full speed
mgmt Specifies the management interface.
mgmt off Disables the management system interface.
Note: If this port is not being used, it should be set to off for security


Enable and configure IPv4 address for the MGMT interface

Infoblox > set interface mgmt
Enable Management port? (y or n): y
Enter Management IP address:
Enter Management netmask [Default:]:
Enter Management gateway address [Default:]:
Configure Management IPv6 network settings? (y or n): n
Restrict Support and remote console access to MGMT port? (y or n):

Management Port Setting:
Management Port Enabled: true
Management IP address:
Management netmask:

Management Gateway address:
Restrict Support and remote console access to MGMT port:false

Is this correct? [ y or n]: y
Are you sure? (y or n): y

The management port settings have been updated.

Enable and configure IPv6 address for the MGMT interface

Infoblox > set interface mgmt
Enable Management port? (y or n): y
Enter Management IP address: 2620:010A:6000:2400::6508
Enter Management IPv6 Prefix Length [Default: none]: 64
Enter Management IPv6 gateway address [Default: none]: 2620:010A:6000:2400::0001
Configure Management IPv4 network settings? (y or n): n
Restrict Support and remote console access to MGMT port? (y or n): n

Management IPv6 address: 2620:10a:6000:2400::6508/64
Management IPv6 Gateway address: 2620:10a:6000:2400::1
Restrict Support and remote console access to MGMT port: false

Is this correct? (y or n): y
Are you sure? (y or n): y

The management port settings have been updated

Specify the MGMT interface speed after the port is enabled

Infoblox > set interface mgmt speed 10M duplex full
Setting Management interface speed to: 10M and duplex to: full
Is this correct? [ y or n]:
The netwrok interface settings have been updated.

Specify the LAN interface speed

Infoblox > set interface lan1 speed 10M duplex full
Setting LAN1 interface speed to: 10M and duplex to: full
Is this correct? [ y or n]:
The netwrok interface settings have been updated.

Specify the HA interface speed

Infoblox > set interface ha speed 100M duplex half
Setting HA interface speed to: 100M and duplex to: half
Is this correct? [ y or n]:
The netwrok interface settings have been updated.


This command is not supported on vNIOS appliances