show capacity
The show capacity
command displays database capacity limits for your NIOS appliance. This allows you to see the object counts and types on a member. This command is useful to see the amount of data is assigned to a member and how that relates to the member's specified capacity.
show capacity
This command has no arguments.
Infoblox > show capacity
Hardware Type = IB-4106
Database Capacity = 10000000 "objects"
Objects Present = 7207 (0 percent used)
Count Area Type
515 TP threat_rule
296 TP threat_rule_config
809 TP threat_rule_param_def
783 TP threat_rule_param_value
469 dhcp dhcp_fingerprint
2448 dhcp dhcp_option_fingerprint
116 dhcp option_definition
255 grid ib_trap_settings