show capacity
The show capacity
command displays database capacity limits for your NIOS appliance. This allows you to see the object counts and types on a member. This command is useful to see the amount of data is assigned to a member and how that relates to the member's specified capacity.
show capacity
This command has no arguments.
Infoblox > show capacity
Hardware Type = IB-2000
Database Capacity = 1200000 "objects"
Objects Present = 112466 (9 percent used)
Count Area Type
16638 dns bind_a
15000 dns bind_cname
1000 dns bind_mx
19392 dns bind_ns
15501 dns bind_ptr
836 dns bind_soa
500 dns bulk_host
5000 dns dhcp_host
385 dns dhcp_member
322 dns dhcp_range
1538 dns fixed_address
5000 dns host
5000 dns host_address
5000 dns host_alias
265 dns network
263 dns shared_network_item
500 dns srg_zone_linking
840 dns zone 18018 dns zone_cluster_secondary_server
537 dns zone_ext_secondary_server
208 Grid product_license
Note: Counts per object type not displayed unless at least 100 of that type exist.