set mgmt_exclusion_from_fastpath

set mgmt_exclusion_from_fastpath

The set mgmt_exclusion_from_fastpath CLI command is used to exclude the management (MGMT) interface from the effects of virtual DNS Cache Acceleration (vDCA) if vDCA is enabled on a Grid member. By setting this command to on, you can prevent the DNS traffic to the MGMT interface from being affected by vDCA.

In a new installation of NIOS 9.0.5 or later, the MGMT interface is excluded from the effects of vDCA by default. When upgrading to NIOS 9.0.5 or later, you must use the set mgmt_exclusion_from_fastpath command to prevent vDCA from affecting the MGMT traffic. Infoblox recommends that you do not direct DNS traffic to the MGMT interface as it is a secure internal interface.


You must run this command from the NIOS CLI Expert Mode. To enable the mode run the set expertmode or set expertmode on command from the NIOS CLI. To disable the Expert Mode, use set expertmode off.


set mgmt_exclusion_from_fastpath {on|off}






Excludes the management interface from the effects of vDCA.


Allows vDCA to affect the management interface.


Expert Mode > set mgmt_exclusion_from_fastpath on
Enabled mgmt exclusion from fastpath. Manual Reboot is required in order for the changes to take effect.

Expert Mode > set mgmt_exclusion_from_fastpath off
Disabled mgmt exclusion from fastpath. Manual Reboot is required in order for the changes to take effect.


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