Modifying Server Configuration Using a USB Drive

Modifying Server Configuration Using a USB Drive

In addition to the Infoblox Portal and Device UI, you can configure a NIOS-X physical server and connect it to the Infoblox platform through a USB drive. You must first download the server configuration template from the Infoblox Portal, make changes, save it on a USB drive, and then insert it into the physical appliance. Once the appliance detects the configuration file, it automatically starts the process and connects the server to Infoblox platform based on the configuration on the USB drive. This method is useful if your physical appliance is offline and you want to reconnect it to the Infoblox platform.

To configure a server and connect it to the Infoblox platform using a USB drive, complete the following:

  1. From the Infoblox Portal, click ConfigureAdministration -> Downloads.

  2. Select Server Configuration Template, and click Server Configuration Template to download the template. 

    • Open the downloaded template and make appropriate changes to it. For example, if you want to change the name server IP address, add that to the template. The following is an example:
        "network": {
          "name": "enp1s0",  
          "nameServers": [""],
          "ipv4": {
            "type": "static",
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "gateway": "",
            "mtu": "1500"
      "ipv6": {
         "type": "",
         "ip": "",
         "cidr": "",
         "gateway": "",
         "mtu": ""
        "disablepmtud": ""
      "httpProxy": "",
      "timeSettings": {
         "mode": "ntp",
         "servers": [],
         "pools": []
      "docker": {
         "bip": ""
      "k3s_network": {
         "cluster_cidr": "",
         "service_cidr": ""


      You must set the time setting mode to "ntp" for the configuration to take effect. Leaving the time setting mode empty will cause the configuration to fail.
  3. Use the following commands to save the modified template on a USB drive:
       diskutil list (list out to find the USB drive location)
       diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 BLOXONE MBRFormat /dev/disk2 (format the USB drive)
       diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 (unmount the USB drive)
       diskutil mountDisk /dev/disk2 (mount the USB drive)
       cp onprem.conf /Volumes/BLOXONE
    (copy the modified onprem.conf file downloaded from step 2)

       diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
    (unmount the USB drive and eject it from the system)

  4. Insert the USB drive into the physical appliance you want to configure and connect to the Infoblox platform.
  5. When the appliance detects the configuration file, it compares the existing configuration with that in the file on the USB drive, and starts the configuration process based on the new information.
  6. The server will restart when the process is complete.
  7. The server is connected to the Infoblox platform when it is up and running.


Once the server is connected to the Infoblox platform, remove the USB drive from the appliance to avoid losing further configuration changes you make to the server.


If the new configuration is invalid, Infoblox service will revert back to the previous or default configuration after a few minutes. For example, if you made a typo while changing the IP address of an interface, the IP address becomes invalid and Infoblox service reverts to the previous or default IP address to ensure that the server is still operational. This validation process happens in the background and does not affect any operations on your server.

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