Troubleshooting Servers
When your NIOS-X server is disconnected from the Infoblox Portal or when it experiences issues, you can access the Device UI to troubleshoot the problems. The Device UI is designed to display a comprehensive view of the networking health of your server. You can obtain configuration and connectivity data through the Device UI, and perform corrective actions to address applicable issues.
The Device UI performs the following verification:
- The IP address of the server
- DNS service
- DHCP connection
- NTP connectivity
- Access to the Infoblox Portal
- Time synchronization
- Explicit proxy test
- Docker rules
- Docker Bridge settings
- Kubernetes Bridge settings
- Join token validation
After the Device UI completes the verification, it displays the results and status in the Configuration and Administration sections.
Accessing the Device UI
- Open a browser window.
Launch the Device UI by entering the IP address of the server in this format:
https://<Server IP address>
Note that if there was no DHCP server available in your network, and you did not configure a static IP when you initially set up your server, the server will fall back to the default IP address Enter the following local access credentials:
- Username: Enter admin as the login user name for the server.
- Password: Enter your password.
When deploying NIOS-X servers, Infoblox initially uses a default username and password for accessing the Device UI. Users can now change this default password via the Infoblox Portal, Device UI, or Debug CLI. Once changed, the new password will be synchronized across the console and Device UI, allowing for SSH and HTTPS access (if you forget the password, and the host is disconnected, you have to do factory reset).
Viewing Device Status and Configuration
When you launch the Device UI, it displays the overall configuration status in the left panel and the configuration details in the right panel
- Configuration: Network, HTTP(S) Proxy, Time Settings, Docker, Kubernetes, Authentication, and Cloud Connectivity
- Administration: Device Restart, Factory Reset, and Support Bundle
In the left panel, you can view the overall status for each configuration component through the following status icons:
- = The service is running properly and connectivity is good. No corrective action is required.
- = The service has not been started and no connectivity has been established. Configure the service if necessary.
- = The service or connectivity failed. Take corrective actions by modifying the configuration.
In the Configuration pane on the right, you can view the overall status for each service and individual component, as follows:
- = The service, connection, and settings have been verified and functioning properly.
- = The service or connection has not started yet.
- = The service, connection, and/or settings failed. Take corrective actions by modifying the configuration.
- = No configuration has been set for this service, therefore, no verification is done until you set up the necessary configuration.
Updating Configuration
In the Configuration panel, the Device UI displays detailed information about the networking and service configurations. You can view the current configuration and connectivity of your server and fix any problematic areas, if applicable.
- You must enable local access on the server before you can make configuration changes to the following settings. For information about local access, see Managing Local Access for Servers.
- If you update any configuration on an server that has a connection issue with the Infoblox platform and has a secondary interface configured, the secondary interface could be removed from the server.
Your server must have internet access in order to establish connectivity to the Infoblox Portal.
Select one of the following to set up the network configuration:
DNS Resolvers: You can configure specific DNS resolver(s) that your server uses to resolve DNS requests. For multiple resolvers, enter the IP addresses separated by commas (,).
IPv4 Network Mode: Select one of the following for your IPv4 network:
- DHCP: If your network contains a DHCP server, select DHCP to automatically receive a dynamic IPv4 address for the server.
- Static: If you want to assign a specific IPv4 address to your server, select Static to manually configure the IPv4 address, netmask or CIDR, and the default gateway for the server.
IPv6 Network Mode: Select one of the following for your IPv6 network:
- DHCP: If your network contains a DHCP server, select DHCP to automatically receive a dynamic IPv6 address for the server.
- RA: Select this to use router advertisements in your IPv6 network. The server auto-generates a link-local address to communicate with other servers or neighbors on the same network.
- Auto Select: Select this to allow the system to select the best way to obtain an IPv6 address for the server.
- Static: If you want to assign a specific IPv6 address to your server, select Static to manually configure the IPv6 address, CIDR, and the default gateway for the server.
Advanced Settings: Expand this section to configure IPv4 and IPv6 MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) for your network path:
- Disable Path MTU Discovery: Toggle to enable or disable path MTU discovery. Path MTU discovery is used to determine the MTU size to avoid IP fragmentation. Path MTU discovery is enabled by default.
- IPv4 MTU Settings: Enter the maximum transmission unit for your IPv4 network, which is the size of the largest protocol data unit that can be communicated in a single network layer transaction. Valid values are from 1280 to 9000. For dual stack configuration, valid values are from 1280 to 9000. The default value is 1500.
- IPv6 MTU Settings: Enter the maximum transmission unit for your IPv6 network, which is the size of the largest protocol data unit that can be communicated in a single network layer transaction. Valid values are from 1280 to 9000. The default value is 1500.
The system validates the IP address, DHCP connection, and the DNS service, and the Device UI displays the current status of each component.
HTTPS(S) Proxy
Based on your business needs, you may need to configure an HTTP or HTTPS proxy server to handle HTTP(S) requests from clients over the LAN or Internet.
Enter the HTTP or HTTPS proxy in this format: http(s)://[username:password@]<proxy domain>:<proxy port>
- username and password = The credential you use to log in to the proxy.
- proxy domain = The domain name of the proxy.
- proxy port = The port number you use to access the proxy.
Example: https://joesmith:Welc0me123!
Time Settings
You can set up specific NTP server(s) with which your server synchronizes time. If you have not configured any NTP server or local DNS resolver, the server uses the Ubuntu NTP server ( or and Universal DNS (IP: Note that the communication to these services does not go through the HTTPS proxy, and you must ensure that the NTP port (UDP 123) and the DNS port (TCP/UDP 53) are opened on your firewall.
To configure NTP server(s), enter the IP address(es) or FQDN(s) of the NTP servers, separated by commas (,).
If your network service is deployed in a Docker container, you must complete the Docker configurations so your server can communicate with your network.
To configure Docker, enter the Docker bridge IP address and its netmask.
You can use an IP address for the Docker Bridge in a network no larger than a /24 subnet.
You can configure the Kubernetes Bridge settings in this section. If the network CIDRs are not configured, the Kubernetes Bridge uses the default IP of for the cluster CIDR and for the service CIDR. The system conduct a health check on the setting and displays OK if the settings are valid.
The Authentication section indicates whether the connection of your server to the Infoblox Portal using the join token or serial number is successful or not. A join token is a special-purpose secret used to authenticate a server to automatically associate itself with its corresponding user account and establish a connection to the Infoblox Portal. You must first create a join token through the Infoblox Portal, and then assign the token to the corresponding server.
The Device UI displays the join token and serial number of the server in this section. If authentication failed, you can verify the join token and correct in the join token field. If the authentication failed due to an incorrect serial number, you can modify the serial number in the Infoblox Portal. Note that the serial number displayed here is automatically populated from the information you provided either via the Infoblox Portal. You cannot modify the serial number here.
This TLS certificate is used for both Nginx and Authn SNI to secure the authentication domain. By default, the domain is set to captiveportal.infoblox.internal
. However, if the user wants to change the domain and use their own certificate, they can do so.
Cloud Connectivity
The Cloud Connectivity status shows you whether your server has successfully established a connection to the Infoblox Portal. If the connectivity status is "Failed," check all failed services and take corrective actions.
Administrating the Server
In the Administration panel, you can restart you server, reset the server to factory settings, collect the support bundle for troubleshooting purposes. as well as enabling and disabling a secure terminal connection between the NIOS-X servers and the debugging interface (debug CLI).
Device Restart
In the Device Restart section, click Restart to restart your server. When a restart is initiated, all processes are down, and no further logins are allowed on the server. The server will close all open files, stop running processes, and restart the system.
Factory Reset
In the Factory Reset section, click Reset to initiate a factory reset for the server. When you start a factory reset, it will reinstate the initial state of the server. All configuration will be set to the initial factory-provided settings. The software will be reset to the initial version. Confirm you really want to reset you server before resetting it because this action cannot be undone.
Support Bundle
In the Support Bundle section, click Collect to start collecting logs and configurations about your environment, so Technical Support can use the information for troubleshooting. Once the system starts collecting information, the following dialog appears. You can click Cancel to stop the collection.
When the system completes collecting information, the following dialog appears and you can click Download to save the Support Bundle to your computer.
In the SSH section, you can enable or disable a secure terminal connection on port 2022 between your server and the debugging interface (debugging CLI).
When you have issues in deploying new Infoblox platform images or experiencing any issues with the cloud connectivity, you can troubleshoot issues using the debugging CLI. When you enable the secure connection, you can log in to the debugging CLI and use supported CLI commands to troubleshoot issues.
You can access the debugging CLI via the following:
- Serial console
- SSH client
Serial Console
To access the debugging CLI via the serial console, do the following.
- Connect to the serial console of your server.
- Once you get health checks on the serial console as illustrated in the screenshot below, press Ctrl+c to connect to the server. You will be redirected to the debugging CLI login prompt.
- Use the following credentials to log in:
- Login: admin
- Password: your password
You can enable or disable a secure terminal connection on port 2022 to access the debugging CLI from the Device UI.
To access the debugging CLI when the server is online, do the following:
- Log in to the Cloud Service Portal.
- Enable local access on the server. For information, see Managing Local Access for Servers.
- Launch and log in to the Device UI. For information, see Accessing the Device UI in this topic.
- Go to the SSH section and click Enable. Once you enable SSH, the Disable button appears.
- Use an SSH client to connect to the debug CLI on port 2022 (example: ssh -p 2022 admin@[remote_server_ip]).
- Use the following credentials to log in to the debug CLI:
- Login: admin
- Password: your password
To access the debugging CLI when the server is offline, do the following:
- Launch and log in to the Device UI. For information, see Accessing the Device UI in this topic.
- Go to the SSH section and click Enable. Once you enable SSH, the Disable button appears.
- Use an SSH client to connect to the debug CLI on port 2022 (example: ssh -p 2022 admin@[remote_server_ip]).
- Use the following credentials to log in to the debug CLI:
- Login: admin
- Password: your password
Supported Debug CLI Commands
Run the help
command to check supported debug CLI commands and their usage.
Supported CLI Command | Description |
clear | Clear the terminal screen |
df | Get file system disk space usage |
dig | DNS lookup utility Restricted argument: -f |
du | Estimate file space usage |
exit | Exit the debug CLI |
free | Display the amount of free and used memory in the system |
help | Display the list of supported CLI commands |
ifconfig | Display a network interface Allowed argument: -a |
iostat | Report CPU statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions. |
ip | Display routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels Restricted arguments: add, del, set, flush, change, append, replace, update, -b, - -b, -batch, - -batch |
nslookup | Query internet name servers |
ntpq | Standard NTP query. Cannot execute only the ntpq command. You must include at least one argument. Restricted argument: -i |
ping | Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network servers. |
route | Display the IP routing table Restricted arguments: add, del |
service-config | Display and transfer service config file. Run Examples:
ss | The utility for investigating sockets Restricted arguments: -F, - -filter |
ssh | Enable or disable ssh on the server.
tcpdump | Get traffic on a network |
top | Display Linux processes. The top command will not take any arguments and will run for one iteration in batch mode by default. |
traceroute | Print the route packets traced to the network server. |
transfer_sb | Transfer support bundle to the remote server using the SCP protocol. Run transfer_sb help to see the desired format of the command. Example: |
vmstat | Report virtual memory statistics |