Configuring Policy Routing Services
To access the page for configuring policy router services, go to Cloud Services Portal > Manage > Routing > Policy Routing > Policy Routers. The page shows the following information for each policy router service you have created:
An indication of whether a router is online or has stopped, and whether it has started or is starting
You can do the following on the page:
Create a new routing service: Click the Create Policy Routing Service button, and follow the instructions in Creating Policy Routing Services.
Edit a routing service: Select the routing service you want to modify, click Edit, and follow the instructions in Editing Policy Routing Services.
Remove a routing service: Select the routing service you want to remove, and click Remove.
Start a routing service: Select the routing service you want to start, and click Start.
Stop a routing service: Select the you want to stop, and click Stop.
The following topics describe each action in detail: