Configuring OSPF Routers
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a widely used and supported open-standard, link-state IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol). It learns routes by learning every router and subnet within the entire network; in doing so, it builds and maintains a full map of the network. Subsequently, to find the best routes between two routers, OSPF calculates a metric called cost. The higher the bandwidth of the connection, the lower the cost. As a link-state protocol, OSPF uses more CPU but offers the benefit of fast reactions to changes in the network.
The page is accessed through Cloud Services Portal > Manage > Routing > OSPF Routers and displays the following information for each OSPF router you have created:
An indication of whether a router is online or has stopped, and whether it has started or is starting
Click for a particular OSPF router, and review the following details:
Pool: the name of the router’s pool
Status Changed: the date and time the router’s status was changed
Host Name
Host IP Address
Host Status: Online Started, Stopped Starting, or Error
You can do the following on the OSPF routers page:
Create an OSPF router: Click the Create button, and follow the instructions in Creating OSPF Routers.
Edit an OSPF router: Select the OSPF router you want to modify, click Edit, and follow the instructions in Editing OSPF Routers.
Remove an OSPF router: Select the OSPF router you want to remove, and click Remove.
Start an OSPF router: Select the OSPF router you want to start, and click Start.
Stop an OSPF router: Select the you want to stop, and click Stop.
The following topics describe each action in detail: