Creating Identity Groups
Creating Identity Groups
To create an identity group, do the following:
- In the Cloud Services Portal, click Manage > Service Edge > Objects > Identity Groups.
- Click Create.
- In the Add New Identity Object Group wizard, specify the following:
- Name: Enter a name for the identity group. Create a name that does not exceed 64 characters in length. Use numbers, any special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and even spaces. Start and end a name with any character but not a space. Leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed off automatically.
- Expand the Identity Object Groups drop-down section, and do the following:
- In AVAILABLE IDENTITY OBJECT GROUPS, select the available identity object group that you want to add to the object group, and then use the down arrows to move them to the SELECTED IDENTITY OBJECT GROUPS section. To move all object groups to the selected section, use the double arrows.
- To remove a previously selected identity object group, click X next to the group in the SELECTED IDENTITY OBJECT GROUPS column. To remove all selected identity object groups, click the double arrows.
- Expand the Identity Attributes drop-down section, click Add.
- USER GROUPS: Choose the user group you want to be associated with the identity object group.
- You can also select an identity group and click Remove to remove it from the list.
- Click Save & Close or Cancel.
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