Chromebook Client Deployment

Chromebook Client Deployment

To deploy the Infoblox Chromebook client to your organization's Chromebook devices, complete the following process. 


  • To log in to admin.google.com, you must have a Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) admin account.
  • You must have valid Infoblox (Infoblox Portal) login credentials.
  • Chromebook devices in your organization must be running Chrome OS version 88 or later.  

Uploading the Certificate

  1. Upload the downloaded certificate to the Google admin console: 
    1. Log in to https://admin.google.com.
    2. Go to Devices > Networks, and upload the certificate under the certificates category:

: Uploading the certificate in the Networks panel. 

2. In the admin console, select Disallow incognito mode for Chromebook users:

For Chromebook users, you must disallow indognito mode in the Settings panel..
: For Chromebook users, you must disallow indognito mode in the Settings panel..

Obtaining the Config File from Infoblox

The config file contains the information required for the Infoblox Chromebook client to work with a Imnfo Endpoint. To obtain the config file, do the following:

  1. Log in to csp.infoblox.com.
  2. Go to Configure > SecurityEndpoints > Endpoint Groups.
  3. Click Download MDM ConfigurationChrome Config File:

Downloading the MDM Config file for Chrome within the Cloud Services Platform.
Image: Downloading the MDM Config file for Chrome within the Infoblox Platform.

4. Save the chrome-config.json file on your local machine or a location you can access easily.

To assign an endpoint to a specific endpoint group, download the config file, go to onfigure > Security > Endpoints > Endpoint Groups, click the three horizontl bars icon next to the endpoint group’s name, select Download MDM Configuration, and click Chrome Config File:

Image: Downloading the MDM Config file for a specific endpoint group. 

5. Save the downloaded file to a location from which it can be easily retrieved. You will copy the configuration from this file during the installation of the client app.

Installing the Infoblox Infoblox Chromebook Client App

  1. Log in to https://admin.google.com.
  2. Go to Devices > Chrome > Overview:

Image: The Chrome Management page in the Chromebook CLinet App. 

3.In the Chrome Management window, select Apps & extensions:

: On the Chrome Management screen, click Apps & extensions. 

4. From the Organization Unit menu, choose the organization unit to which you want to deploy the client extension and app.
5. Click + and select Add from Chrome Web Store:

: Choosing the organization in the Organization Unit menu.  

6. Search for the ID of the Infoblox Chromebook client app, nocofmoagflaeacednhcnjelobklifdo. Note that searching by name will not work.

: Searching for the client ID in the Infoblox Chromebook EP client app. 

7. Select Infoblox Client for Chromebook Application > User Settings:

Selecting User Settings in the Chromebook application.
Image: Selecting User Settings in the Chromebook application. 

8. Select the Organization Unit for which you want to install the app.
9. Select Force Install. Selecting this option will ensure that Chromebook users in the selected Organization Unit cannot remove or disable the app:

: Selecting Force Install in the Settings panel. 

10. Click Save to complete the installation of the client app.

11. Upload the config file obtained from Infoblox.
12. Copy the configuration from the config file to section Policy for Extensions, in the bottom-right corner.

13. Click Save to complete the installation of the downloaded config file.

Image: Verifying the config file upload. 

You have now installed the client and uploaded the config file.

Installing the Infoblox Infoblox Chromebook Client Extension

  1. Go to the Chrome Management page, https://admin.google.com.
  2. Search for fbfmidpllpdaenlhekkiphlndngoidlm. Note that searching by name will not work.

Searching for the User ID in the Infoblox EP app.
: Searching for the User ID in the Infoblox EP app.

3. Click Select to add the extension to the selected organization unit:

Adding the extension to the organization unit.
: Adding the extension to the organization unit.

4. Select the Organization Unit for which you will install the Infoblox Chromebook client. The listed organization units are unique to your organization.
5. Click Force Install. By selecting this option, you ensure that Chromebook users in the selected Organization Unit cannot remove or disable the extension

Image: Clicking Force Install to install the extension on the Chromebook users in the organization unit. 

6. Click Save

You have installed the client extension.

Installation-related caveats

  • Google will take four to eight hours to push the client to all your Chromebooks.
  • For the installation to take place, the Chromebooks must be connected and logged in.
  • After the client is installed on a Chromebook, wait a few hours for Chromebook traffic to begin to appear on your Infoblox dashboard.

Removing the Infoblox Chromebook Client

For a specific user

1. Log in to the G Suite admin console, and select Users:

Selecting users in the G Suite admin console.
: Selecting users in the G Suite admin console.

2. Select the user to be removed, and choose Move Organization Group:  

Selecting the user to be removed from the organization unit.
: Selecting the user to be removed from the organization unit. 

3. Click Change to confirm your choice and complete the removal process

: Click CHANGE to confirm and complete the removal process. 

For an Organizational Unit

1. Select Infoblox EP (App), and click :

: Selecting an organization unit for removal. 

2. Select Infoblox EP (Extn.), and click :

: Completing the organization unit removal process. 

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