Blocked DNS Overview

Blocked DNS Overview

The Blocked DNS Overview dashboard provides information about blocked DNS requests. 

There are seven filters with labels “Time Range”, “SLD”, “User”, “Asset”,  “DNS Record Type”, “Policy Action”, “Policy Name”  in the Blocked DNS Overview dashboard. The “User”, “Asset”,  “DNS Record Type”, “Policy Action”, “Policy Name” filters are multiselect dropdown. By default selected Time Range is “Last 24 Hours” and all other filters are set to “All”.

To view detailed information about the Blocked DNS requests, drill down to the log activity is provided in all the panels except “Recent 1000 Blocked DNS Requests” table panel. 

  • Top 10 Compromised Users: The “Top 10 Compromised Users” is a table panel. It displays counts of the top 10 compromised users.

  • Top 10 Blocked Domains: The “Top 10 Blocked Domains” is a pie chart panel. It presents the count of top 10 blocked domains.

  • Top 10 Feeds Blocked Traffic: The “Top 10 Feeds Blocked Traffic” is a pie chart panel. It presents the count of top 10 Feeds of the blocked traffic.

  • Top 10 Compromised Assets: The “Top 10 Compromised Assets” is a table panel. It presents the count of top 10 compromised assets.

  • Recent 1000 Blocked DNS Requests: The “Recent 1000 Blocked DNS Requests” is a table panel. It displays recent 1000 blocked DNS Requests.


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