Add Network Workflow
This workflow creates a new network on the NIOS appliance that can be later assigned to vApps and other resources through vRealize Automation. You can choose to use a network template in this workflow. If you choose to create the network without a template, you will specify the DHCP options (routers, DNS suffix, DNS servers, search DNS suffixes, and WINS) and assign members for the network.
In the Add network workflow, you can specify the extensible attributes to assign to the newly-created network.
To add a network:
7. In the Template step, specify whether to use or not a template for the new network:
- Select Yes, enter the template name, and click Next.
- Select No and click Next.
For information about NIOS network templates, see Managing DHCP Templates in the NIOS documentation.
8. In the Network step, specify the network parameters:
- Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 network address.
- Enter the CIDR of the network range such as 24 or 80. Enter only the numeric value without a forward slash (/).
- Optionally, select the network view.
- Optionally, provide a comment.
9. Click Next.
10. (Optional) In the Extensible attributes step, specify the number of, and the values for, any extensible attributes that you want to assign to the network object that will be created in the result of the workflow execution.
11. Click Next.
12. Specify if restarting the DHCP service is needed. When you select Yes, the DHCP service will be restarted when it is required by NIOS configuration. For more information, see xxx.
13. Click Submit.