Add Range Workflow
This workflow creates a new network range on the NIOS appliance that can be later assigned to vApps and other resources through vRealize Automation. In the Add range workflow, you can specify extensible attributes to assign to the newly-created range.
To add a range:
7. In the Range step, specify the network range parameters:
- Start Address
- End Address
Name of the range
Comments about the range
Disable for DHCP
Network address of range’s network
Network CIDR of range’s network
Network view to which the range belongs
8. Click Next..
9. In the Member step, specify if you want to assign an Infoblox Grid member to the range. If you select Yes, specify the IP address or FQDN of the Infoblox Grid member and the member type.
10. Click Next.
11. (Optional) In the Extensible attributes step, specify the number of, and the values for, any extensible attributes that you want to assign to the network range object that will be created in the result of the workflow execution.
12. Click Next.
13. In the DHCP options step, select if you want to assign DHCP options to the network range. If you select Yes, specify the following:
- Domain name (DNS suffix)
- DNS suffixes for search
- IP addresses of the DNS servers
- IP addresses of the routers
- IP addresses of the NetBIOS name servers
14. Click Next.
15. Specify if restarting the DHCP service is needed. When you select Yes, the DHCP service will be restarted when it is required by NIOS configuration. For more information, see xxx
16. Click Submit.