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Configuring NIOS-X Servers

NIOS-X servers (formerly hosts or on-prem hosts) are physical or virtual servers on which you run Infoblox Platform services according to your license entitlements. Depending on your network infrastructure and how you want to implement NIOS-X servers, you can deploy them by using Infoblox-provided hardware and OVA packages or via a bare-metal deployment and other supported open platforms. To ensure a successful server deployment, set up your environment according to the NIOS-X Server Connectivity and Service Requirements.

For information about different methods in deploying servers, see Deploying NIOS-X Servers.

The Servers page of the Infoblox Portal displays a list of deployed NIOS-X servers. You can toggle among the following views by clicking the icons on the upper right hand corner of the page.

  • Card view

    The Card View icon
  • Table view

  • Map view

The default card view displays the following information for each NIOS-X server:

Displayed Field



The server name.

Server Status

The server status, as follows:

  • Online: The server is online, and both the platform and application management are running properly.

  • Pending: This status applies to NIOS-X physical appliances only. Pending means the server has not been physically connected yet.

  • Awaiting Approval: This applies to NIOS-X physical appliances only. When the server is in this state, it is awaiting approval or denial to establish a connection to Infoblox Platform. You can approve or deny the server connection based on your business requirements. The server status changes to Online when you approve the connection and to Denied when you deny the connection.

  • Degraded: Either the platform or application management is in error when either one is not functioning properly.

  • Error: Any of the platform or application-management applications are not functioning properly.

You can expand the panel and view detailed information about the errors. For more information, see Viewing Detailed Server Information.

Server Type

The server type: 

  • NIOS-X (BloxOne) Physical Server

  • NIOS-X (BloxOne) Container

  • NIOS-X (BloxOne) Virtual Server


  • NIOS


  • Not Available

For example, if your server is a physical server, then its type is NIOS-X (BloxOne) Physical Server, the bare-metal container is NIOS-X (BloxOne) Container, and the bare OVA VM is NIOS-X (BloxOne) Virtual Server.

When you use filters to locate specific servers, you can select the following subtypes:

  • For NIOS-X (BloxOne) Physical Server: All Server Types, B1-105, B1-212, VEP1425, or VEP1485

  • For NIOS-X (BloxOne) Virtual Server: All Virtual Server Types, VMware, Azure, KVM, KVM OpenStack, or AWS

Version #

The version of the platform currently running on the server.

Serial Number

The serial number of the server (physical or virtual).


Click the … icon to display the following options:

  • Apply config updates immediately: Choose this to apply the server’s configuration updates immediately.

  • General Information: Choose this to view the server’s information.

  • Edit: Choose this to modify the server’s configuration.

  • Create Template: Choose this to take a snapshot of the server’s configuration and apply the template to multiple servers that should use the same configuration. For information, see Configuring Templates.

  • Approve: Choose this to approve the server connection to Infoblox Platform.

  • Deny: Choose this to deny the server connection to Infoblox Platform.

  • Disconnect: Choose this to disconnect the server from Infoblox Platform.

  • Refresh Status: Choose this to refresh the server status.

  • Replace: Choose this to replace this server with another server.

  • Remove: Choose this to remove the server.

  • Troubleshoot: Click this and choose one of the following to troubleshoot your server: Traceroute, DNS Test, Traffic Capture, NTP Test, or Restart server.

  • Local Access: Choose this to enable local access, so you can use the Device UI to make configuration changes or troubleshoot your server without disconnecting it from the Infoblox Platform. For information, see Managing Local Access for Servers.


Click the down arrow to expand the panel and see detailed information about the server. For more information, see Viewing Server Information.

Click the up arrow to collapse the panel.

When you toggle to the table view, the Servers page can display some or all of the following fields. By clicking the hamburger menu next to the fields, you have the flexibility to select or deselect the fields (including associated tags) as well as their order to be displayed in the table view.

  • server Name: The server’s name.

  • Status: The server status, as follows:

    • Online: The server is online, and both the platform and application management are running properly.

    • Pending: This status applies to NIOS-X physical servers only. Pending means the server has not been physically connected yet.

    • Awaiting Approval: This applies to NIOS-X physical servers only. When the server is in this state, it is awaiting approval or denial to establish a connection to Infoblox Platform. You can approve or deny the server connection based on your business requirements. The server status changes to Online when you approve the connection and to Denied when you deny the connection.

    • Degraded: Either the platform or application management is in error when either one is not functioning properly.

    • Error: Any of the platform or application-management applications are not functioning properly.

  • Platform Management: The status of the platform management. You can expand this section in the right panel and view the following information:

    • Status: The current deployment status of your server. For new non-NIOS deployments, this field displays Upgrading as the status and the Message field displays the installation progress. 

    • Error Message: Infoblox Platform performs health checks on platform components and displays relevant messages for the current status. For details about the health check messages, see Health Check Messages for Servers. For new non-NIOS deployments, the following table describes the corresponding Status and Message for the current deployment.

    • Version: The version of your server platform.

    • Status Changed: The timestamp when the last status changed.



Update Milestone


Initializing server

Initial connection with Infoblox Platform


Updating system

Updating OS


Downloading infrastructure

Downloading Infoblox Platform infrastructure


Starting infrastructure

Completing installation of infrastructure


Downloading services

Downloading services and waiting for the server to go online

  • Application Management: This section displays information about the application that is currently running on your server. Infoblox Platform performs health checks on platform components and displays relevant messages for the current status. For details about the health check messages, see Health Check Messages for Servers.

  • Type: The server type. This field can display one of the following: NIOS-X Server, NIOS-X (BloxOne) Container, NIOS-X (BloxOne) VM, CNIOS, NIOS, NIOS HA, and Not Available. For example, if your server is a physical appliance, the server type is NIOS-X (BloxOne) Physical Server, bare-metal container is NIOS-X (BloxOne) Container, and OVA VM is NIOS-X (BloxOne) Virtual Server.

  • Version: The version of the agent that is currently running on the server.

  • Serial Number: The serial number of a physical appliance. For virtual appliances, this displays N/A, and you can look up the serial number through the VM console.

  • Description: Additional information about the server.

  • Server IP Address: The IP address of the server. The current release supports only IPv4 addresses.

  • OPHID: The auto-generated unique ID for the server.

  • NAT IP Address: The IP address of the NAT (Network Address Translation) for the server.

  • Location Time/Time Zone: The current time and time zone of the server at its location.

  • IP Space: The IP space in which the server IP resides.

  • Created At: The timestamp when the server was created, in mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss time zone format.

When you toggle to the map view, the Infoblox Portal displays a world map that indicates the locations of your servers (using the red location icon), as illustrated below.

Only servers with geolocations appear on the map. Servers without geolocations are listed in the left lower corner of the map. You can click a location icon to zoom into server locations within that region. You can even drill down to the street level to locate specific servers by clicking the location icon.

The number under a location icon indicates the number of deployed servers (both virtual and physical) within that specific location. For example, if a location icon has a number of 187, there are a total of 187 servers deployed at that location. You can click the icon to drill down to the next level to view more precise locations for the servers.

You can also do the following:

  • Perform a local search to view servers based on your filtering criteria; and you can page through the results. Infoblox supports the following fields for local search on the Servers page: Name, OPHID, Server IP Address, and Serial Number.

Local search for Serial Number is applicable only for Appliance and CNIOS server type.

  • Click the Sort by drop-down menu to sort the list of servers by available fields, such as Created, Server Name, Server State, and server Type.

You can also do the following on this page: