Viewing General Service Information
The GENERAL INFORMATION page displays the following information about a service:
Service Status: The current status of the service
Description: The description of the service
This section displays the following information about the NIOS-X server running the service:
Server Name: The name of the NIOS-X server running the service.
Server Status: The current status of the NIOS-X server.
Server IP Address: The IP address of the NIOS-X server.
Service State: The current status of the service.
Service Status Changed: The timestamp of the most recent change in the service’s status.
<Service> Version: This field displays the name of the service and its corresponding version. For example, this field displays “DNS Version” for the DNS service and “DNS Forwarding Proxy Version” for the DFP service.
The map shows the details of the location of the NIOS-X server on which the service is running
This section appears only if you have configured interface binding for the server. This section displays the following information about the interface binding of the NIOS-X server:
Server Name: The name of the server running this service
Network Interface: The network interface to which you have bound this service
Interface Type: The type of the interface: LAN, WAN, or LAN/WAN
Network Label: The label you assigned to the network interface
IPv4 Address: The IPv4 address of the network interface
This section appears only if you have configured the NTP service for the NIOS-X server. The section displays the following information for all configured external and internal NTP servers with which the NIOS-X server can synchronize time:
NTP Servers: The name or IP address of the NTP server
Authentication: The authentication status for this NTP server: Enabled or Disabled
Preferred: The preferred NTP server with which the NIOS-X server synchronizes time