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Updating Firmware on NIOS-X Physical Servers

Infoblox supports upgrading firmware on the following NIOS-X physical servers:

  • Dell VEP-1425

  • Dell VEP-1485

  • B1-212

To update the firmware on your NIOS-X physical servers, do the following:

  1. Go to the Dell official website.

  2. On the Drivers and Downloads page, click the down arrow to expand the firmware updater section.

    The screenshot shows the Drivers and Downloads page with a downward arrow highlighted for the Device Firmware category.
  3. In the expanded section, click the View full driver details link.

    The screenshot shows the Drivers and Downloads page with the View Full Driver Details link highlighted.
  4. On the firmware updater page, navigate to the Firmware Images section, and then click Download.

  5. On the firmware updater EULA page, read the license agreement, and then click Accept at the bottom of the page. This will initiate the automatic download of the update file. The downloaded file will be saved in a .zip format. Other file formats are not supported.

  6. You can now install the firmware upgrade script via the debug CLI or an USB flash drive.

Applying Firmware Updates Using the Debug CLI

  1. Log in to the debug CLI.

  2. Enter help at the command prompt and look for the firmware command option.
    root@bloxone-infoblox:/home/dev# debug-cli

    (ib-debug-cli)$ help

    clear          - clear the terminal screen

    df             - report file system disk space usage

    dig            - DNS lookup utility

    du             - estimate file space usage

    exit           - exit the program (console mode), switch to healthchecks (dual mode)

    firmware       - apply patch on the NIOS-X server or print BIOS, SSD, and network card firmware info

    free           - display amount of free and used memory in the system

    help           - display list of commands allowed to execute

    ifconfig       - display a network interface

    iostat         - report CPU statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions

    ip             - show routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels

    nslookup       - query Internet name servers

    ntpq           - standard NTP query program

    ping           - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network NIOS-X servers

    route          - show the IP routing table

    service_config - display and transfer service config file

    ss             - utility to investigate sockets

    ssh            - enable or disable ssh

    tcpdump        - dump traffic on a network

    top            - display Linux processes

    traceroute     - print the route packets trace to network NIOS-X server

    transfer_sb    - transfer support bundle to the remote NIOS-X server using scp protocol

    vmstat         - report virtual memory statistics



  3. Enter firmware apply at the command prompt to run the firmware apply command. Note that if the firmware version is already up to date, you will see the following message on the debug CLI console after running the firmware apply command. Otherwise, the system will upgrade the firmware to the latest version.

(ib-debug-cli)$ firmware apply rsharma@

The authenticity of NIOS-X server ' (' can't be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:wNxuw/sFRbCC4fuiGKEv0t5c55rrR6EW6A5vQ/ltvSM.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known NIOS-X servers.


/tmp/tmp.iZEbWyy4YV ~

Executing install_firmware_SFDN004E

Archive:  ./

   creating: Linux_DLMC2b_SFDN004E_20220315/BIN/

  inflating: Linux_DLMC2b_SFDN004E_20220315/BIN/Setting.ini

  inflating: Linux_DLMC2b_SFDN004E_20220315/BIN/SYS5TTMF.bin

  inflating: Linux_DLMC2b_SFDN004E_20220315/BIN/SYS5TTMF.pre

  inflating: Linux_DLMC2b_SFDN004E_20220315/BIN/SYS5TTOF.bin

  inflating: Linux_DLMC2b_SFDN004E_20220315/BIN/SYS5TTOF.pre

  inflating: Linux_DLMC2b_SFDN004E_20220315/DLMC2

Apacer SSD FW Update utility version

Copyright (c) 2022 Apacer Inc.

Please input device path (ex: /dev/sda):

Model Name: 256GB SATA Flash Drive

Firmware: SFDN004E

Update Utility can't support this device



  1. Enter firmware info at the command prompt to check the current firmware version.

(ib-debug-cli)$ firmware info

BIOS Firmware Version:

SSD Firmware Versions:

  Device: sda

    Model Number: Drive

    Firmware Revision: SFDN004E

Network Card Firmware Versions:

  Interface: eno1

    Firmware Version: 1.63, 0x800009fb

  Interface: eno2

    Firmware Version: 1.63, 0x800009fb

  Interface: eno3

    Firmware Version: 1.63, 0x800009fb

  Interface: eno4

    Firmware Version: 1.63, 0x800009fb

  Interface: eno5

    Firmware Version: 0x8000087c

  Interface: eno6

    Firmware Version: 0x8000087c

  Interface: eno7

    Firmware Version: 0x8000084b

  Interface: eno8

    Firmware Version: 0x8000084b

  Interface: wlp4s0

    Firmware Version: 10.2.4-1.0-00047


Applying Firmware Updates Using a USB Flash Drive

  1. Download the firmware script zip file on to a USB flash drive.

  2. Insert the USB drive in to the hardware appliance.

  3. All supported NIOS-X physical servers running the latest ISO package will auto-detect the firmware script and update the firmware automatically.