Creating Discovery - Blackout

Creating Discovery - Blackout

This feature is only available for Network Insight.

The Network Discovery Blackout feature, allows users to temporarily pause discovery operations according to a specified schedule. When setting up the discovery service, you can now specify a duration to pause the discovery process. During this blackout period, no new discovery actions will occur on your network. Note that this feature is only available for Network Insight.

In the Blackout step, you can set a specific duration to temporarily pause the discovery service. During this blackout period, no new discovery actions will take place on your network. However, it's important to note that the blackout will not affect ongoing discovery tasks.

Discovery tasks may already be running when a blackout period takes effect. Current tasks are not interrupted and will complete within their time.

In the Blackout step, follow these instructions:

  • Enable Discovery Blackout: Select this option to activate the discovery blackout. Click the calendar icon and choose one of the following options in the Blackout Scheduler Dialog:

    • Once: Select this option if you wish to configure the blackout to occur only once. Set the following parameters:

      • Start Date: Choose the desired start date for the blackout.

      • Time: Specify when the blackout begins. Enter a time in the hh:mm AM/PM format and click Apply.

      • Time Zone: Select the appropriate time zone from the drop-down menu.

      • Duration: Indicate the duration in minutes or hours.

    • Daily: Choose this option if you want the blackout to occur daily. Configure the following settings:

      • Time: Specify when the blackout starts. Enter a time in the hh:mm AM/PM format and click Apply.

      • Time Zone: Select the time zone from the drop-down menu.

      • Duration: Indicate the duration in minutes or hours.

    • Weekly: Select this option if you want the blackout to occur on a weekly basis. Set the following parameters:

      • Day of the week: Choose one or more days of the week, for example, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.

      • Time: Specify when the blackout starts. Enter a time in the hh:mm AM/PM format and click Apply.

      • Time Zone: Select the time zone from the drop-down menu.

      • Duration: Indicate the duration in minutes or hours.

    • Monthly: Choose this option if you want the blackout to occur monthly. Configure the following settings:

      • Day every x month: Specify the day on which you want the blackout to occur, along with the number of months for repetition. Choose one or more days of the week, for example, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Friday is the default value. For instance, you can set 1 for Day and 3 for month to enable blackout on the 1st of every 3 months occurring on a Friday.

      • Time: Specify when the blackout begins. Enter a time in the hh:mm AM/PM format and click Apply.

      • Time Zone: Select the time zone from the drop-down menu.

      • Duration: Indicate the duration in minutes or hours.

After configuring all settings, click OK to close the Blackout Scheduler Dialog, and then click Next.


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