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Creating HA Policies

To create an HA policy, do the following:

  1. In the Cloud Services Portal, click Manage > Service Edge > Policies > HA Policies.
  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Add New HA Policy dialog > General tab, specify the following:
    • Name: Enter a name for the policy. Create a name that does not exceed 64 characters in length. Use numbers, any special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and even spaces. Start and end a name with any character but not a space. Leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed off automatically.
  4. To create an HA rule, do the following:
    • Navigate to the HA Rules tab > Add Rule drop-down. 
      • Choose one of the following:
        • New Rule: Choose this to create a brand new rule. See more details below. 
        • Copy Rule: Copy an existing rule to add it to the respective policy.
          1. Click Add. 
          2. Select or search for the policy that contains the specific rule.
          3. Select the rule and click Add.
          4. Add more rules to the respective policy, or click Save to continue.
      • To create a New Rule, specify the following:
        • Rule Name: Enter a name for the HA rule. Create a name that does not exceed 64 characters in length. Use numbers, any special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and even spaces. Start and end a name with any character but not a space. Leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed off automatically.  
        • Service Type: Choose Routing Protocol, which is the only HA protocol available at this time.
          • Protocol Type: Select a routing protocol for your HA implementation. Available protocols are RIP and BGP.
          • Metric: The value of the metric determines the feasibility of a Service Edge instance serving as the primary or secondary node. The lower the metric’s value, the more feasible it is that the Service Edge instance associated with the HA rule would serve as the primary node. For example, if you select 9 as the metric value for a rule associated with one Service Edge instance and 11 as the metric value for a rule associated with the other instance, then the former instance will function as the primary node and the latter as the secondary node.
        • Monitor Health Probe Rules: Expand this field, select the health probe rules that you want to associate with the HA rule, and move it to the SELECTED RULES OBJECTS area. The health probe rules and the HA rules that are associated with the rule, form the nucleus of an HA policy applied to a Service Edge instance.
      • Click Expand All to view additional details of the rules and Collapse All to hide them.
      • Click Save.
  5. Click Next to move to the Summary tab, to ensure the policy is accurate.
  6. Click Save & Close.