Creating Bypass Rules
Creating Bypass Rules
While monitoring DAF traffic, you can decide on whether certain DAF violations warrant corrective actions. You can select a specific traffic violation and turn it into a bypass rule to avoid future denials for a specific destination IP or network. For information about monitoring DAF violations, see Monitoring DAF Violations.
To create a bypass rule:
- On the DAF Violations page, choose the DAF violation that requires corrective action.
- Click Create Bypass Rule button or click the icon > Create Bypass Rule, and Service Edge populates the relevant information in the Create Bypass Rule dialog:
- Edge: The name of the edge for which you are creating the bypass rule. You cannot change this information.
- Rule Name: The name of the rule. The Cloud Services Portal displays a default rule name.
You can change the name based on your business requirements. Create a name that does not exceed 64 characters in length. Use numbers, any special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and even spaces. Start and end a name with any character but not a space. Leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed off automatically.
- Source IP or Network: The source IP of the DAP violation. Choose IP or Network for this IP address.
- Destination IP or Network: The destination IP of the DAP violation. Choose IP or Network for this IP address.
- Protocol: The protocol used to report the DAF violation. You can modify this by choosing the protocol from the drop-down menu.
- Destination Port: The port used to reach the destination IP. You cannot modify this field.
- Click Save and Close.
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