Mandatory parameters are denoted by an * (asterisk).
header | type | description | required | encoding | sample | object_headers |
HEADER-ipamdhcp-v2-range* | string | The primary identifier of the header stating the type of object. | TRUE | string |
key* | string | The primary identifier of an individual object. For a range, a combination of a space, start, and end is used as the key. | TRUE | string |
space* | string | The reference to the IP space to which the range belongs. | TRUE | string |
start* | string | The start IP address of the range. | TRUE | string |
end* | string | The end IP address of the range. | TRUE | string |
name | string | The name of the range. May contain 1 to 256 characters. | FALSE | string |
comment | string | The description of the range. May contain 0 to 1024 characters. | FALSE | string |
dhcp_options | string | The list of IPv4 DHCP options for the address block. May be either a specific option or a group of options. | FALSE | expanddhcp |
dhcp_options_action | string | The configuration of inheritance.
The default value is "inherit". | FALSE | string | inherit |
dhcp_options_value | array | The configuration of inheritance for a field of type OptionItem. | FALSE | nios |
| dhcp_options_value_action |
dhcp_host | string | The reference to dhcp/host or dhcp/ha_group. | FALSE | string |
tags | string | The tags for the range, in JSON format. | FALSE | expandtags |
exclusion_ranges | array | The list of all exclusion ranges in the scope of the range. | FALSE | nios |
| exclusion_range_start | exclusion_range_end | exclusion_range_comment |
access_view | string | Contains the name of the access view that the object belongs to. If you have used compartment_id, modify the field name to access_view before importing data into the Infoblox Portal. | FALSE | string | marketing |
| access_view | string |