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CLI Commands

The basic Infoblox CLI commands are alphabetically listed in the following table.

CLI Command



Displays the help information.


Sends DDNS updates to add records.


Sends DDNS updates to delete records.


Deletes specific files.


Performs a DNS lookup and prints the results.

dns_a_record_deleteDelete a DNS A record


Exits the command interpreter.


Displays the help information.


Sends ICMP ECHO requests to verify that the host is functioning properly.


Exits the command interpreter.


Reboots the Infoblox appliance.


Resets the system settings.


Rotates specific files.


Sets the current system settings. This command has other related commands.


Shows the current system settings. This command has other related commands.


Shuts down the Infoblox appliance.


Displays the path or route diagnostic information of the IPv4/IPv6 packets.

The reset , set , and show commands each have related commands. To view a complete list of the related commands on the remote console , go to the command prompt and enter help set or help show .

The Infoblox CLI commands are shown in the following table:



set debug


set default_revert_window


set default_route


set delete_tasks_interval


set dhcpd_recv_sock_buf_size


set dns


set dns_rrl

reset all

set dscp

reset arp

set enable_match_recursive_only

reset database

set forced_autosync

reset reporting_data

set grid_upgrade

reset ssh_keys

set ibtrap

restart service

set interface

rotate log

set ip_rate_limit

set admin_group_acl

set ipam_web_ui

set adp

set ipv6_disable_on_dad

set auto_provision

set ipv6_neighbor

set bfd

set ipv6_ospf

set bgp log

set ipv6_status

set bloxtools

set lcd keys or set lcd

set cc_mode

set lcd_settings

set certificate_auth_admins

set lcd_settings hwident

set certificate_auth_services

set license

set connection_limit

set lines

set lom

set term

set lower_case_ptr_dname

set thresholdtrap

set membership

set traffic_capture

set mgm attached

set wins_forwarding

set mld_version_1

show admin_group_acl

set monitor dns

show adp

set monitor dns alert

show arp

set named_recv_sock_buf_size

show auto_provision

set network

show bfd details

set nogrid

show bloxtools

set nomastergrid

show bgp

set nosafemode

show capacity

set ospf

show cc_mode

set phonehome

show certificate_auth_admins

set promote_master

show certificate_auth_services

set prompt

show config

set recursion_query_timeout

show connections

set remote_console

show connection_limit

set reporting_cert

show cpu

set reporting_cluster_maintenance_mode

show date

set revert_grid

show debug

set safemode

show default_route

set scheduled

show delete_tasks_interval

set security

show dhcp_gss_tsig

set session_timeout

show dhcpd_recv_sock_buf_size

set smartnic monitor-mode

show dhcpv6_gss_tsig

set snmptrap

show disk

set ssl_tls_ciphers

show dns

set ssl_tls_protocols

show dns_gss_tsig

set ssl_tls_settings

show file

set static_route

show hardware_status

set support_access

show hwid

set log_txn_id

show ibtrap

set sysName

show recursion_query_timeout

set temp_license

show interface

show ipv6_bgp

show ip_rate_limit

show ipv6_disable_on_dad

show remote_console

show ipv6_neighbor

show reporting_cluster_maintenance_mode on page 200

show ipv6_ospf

show routes

show lcd

show scheduled

show lcd_info

show security

show lcd_settings

show smartnic

show license

show snmp

show license_uid

show ssl_tls_ciphers

show license_pool_container

show ssl_tls_protocols

show log

show ssl_tls_settings

show logfiles

show static_routes

show log_txn_id

show status

show lom

show support_access

show lower_case_ptr_dname

show tech-support

show memory

show thresholdtrap

show mld_version

show traffic_capture_status

show monitor

show upgrade_compatible

show monitor dns alert

show upgrade_history

show monitor dns alert status

show uptime

show named_recv_sock_buf_size

show version

show network

show vpn_cert_dates

show ntp


show ospf


show phonehome


show query_capture


Using CLI Help

You can display a list of available CLI commands by typing help at the command prompt. For example:

> help

?                    Display help
ddns_add             Send DDNS update to add a record
ddns_delete          Send DDNS update to delete a record
delete               Delete files
dig                  Perform a DNS lookup and print the results
dns_a_record_delete  Delete a DNS A record
exit                 Exit command interpreter
help                 Display help
ping                 Send ICMP ECHO
quit                 Exit command interpreter
reboot               Reboot device
reset                Reset system settings
rotate               Rotate files
set                  Set current system settings
show                 Show current system settings
shutdown             Shutdown device
traceroute           Route path diagnostic

To view a detailed explanation about a CLI command and its syntax, type help <command> after the command prompt. For example:

> help rotate


rotate log [ syslog | debug | audit | ifmapserver]
rotate file groupname filename [ filename2, filename3, ...]


Rotates the specified log file, up to 10 previous.
logfiles will be preserved

dns_a_record_deleteDelete a DNS A record